I can't update the plugin

If you encounter difficulties while attempting to update your WordPress plugin, it can be a challenging situation. Below are comprehensive steps to diagnose and effectively address this issue, whether you are utilizing automatic updates or performing manual updates via FTP or cPanel.

A few reasons do not allow you to update the plugin given the details below.

Step 1: Check Plugin License Key Activation

You might be unable to update the plugin if the license key is not activated or expired. Go to the plugin settings page on your WordPress dashboard.

Verify if the license key is entered and active. If not, enter the correct key or renew your license. If the license has expired, renew it to regain access to updates.

Step 2: Insufficient File Permissions

Sometimes, your website's file permissions prevent the plugin from updating. Log in to your website via FTP or cPanel. Navigate to wp-content/plugins and ensure that the folder permissions are set to 755 and file permissions are set to 644.

If they aren’t, update the file and folder permissions accordingly, and then try updating the plugin again.

Step 3: Update Failed Due to Timeout or Server Issues

Your server may not have enough configuration (such as memory or timeout settings) to handle the update. Increase the PHP Memory Limit and Max Execution Time

Log in to your cPanel or use an FTP client > Edit the wp-config.php file, adding the following line of code:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Increase the execution time limit in your .htaccess file by adding:

php_value max_execution_time 300

Step 4: Check WordPress Version Compatibility

Some plugin updates may require a specific version of WordPress to function properly.

Ensure your WordPress installation is updated to the latest version. Go to Dashboard > Updates to see if any WordPress updates are available. After updating WordPress, try updating the plugin again.

Current WordPress Version

Step 5: Manual Plugin Update via FTP or cPanel

To update the plugin manually via FTP or cPanel click here to review the detailed step guide.

Step 6: Contact Plugin Support

There are three ways you can contact our support team. Click here and go to Step 8: Contact support for a detailed guide,


By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing your plugin from updating. If the issue persists, contacting support will provide the additional assistance you need.

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