How to add dynamic fee rules

With this feature, we can add the dynamic extra fees using different wild carts in the price textbox.

There are many ways in which we can add dynamic fees.

1. Product quantity based extra fee.

Using this feature we can add the fees based on each product of the cart.

For eg.: 10.00 * [qty] - To charge 10.00 per quantity in the cart. It will be 50.00 if the cart has 5 quantities.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin: Product quantity based dynamic fee configuration)

Screenshot - 2: (Extra fees front side view)

2. Item cost based extra fee.

Using this feature we can add the fees based on each item's cost.

For eg.: 5 + [cost] - Cart contains an item and its cost is $12 then it will set fee = 5 + 12 = $17.

3. Item weight based extra fee.

Using this feature we can add the fees based on each item's weight.

For eg.: 2 * [weight] - If the cart contains an item and its weight is 2kg then the extra fee will be 2 * 2 ( weight ) = $4.

4. Minimum extra fees.

With this feature, we can set the minimum fees based on the current calculation if we don't want to show the very lower extra fees in the cart.

For eg.: [fee min_fee=20] - will first check the cart subtotal and if less than $20 then it will set default fee charges minimum to $20.

If the cart subtotal is greater than 20 then it will display that actual price like $42.69.

Screenshot - 3: (Admin: Minimum fee rule configuration)

Screenshot - 4: (Extra fees front side view)

5. Maximum extra fees.

With this feature, we can set the maximum fees based on the current calculation if we don't want to show the higher extra fees in the cart.

For eg.: [fee max_fee=20] - will first check the cart subtotal and if greater than $20 then it will set default fee charges maximum to $20.

If the cart subtotal is less than 20 then it will display that actual price like $12.50.

Screenshot - 5: (Admin: Maximum fee rule configuration)

Screenshot - 6: (Extra fees front side view)

There are many advanced fee rules we can create based on our business.

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