How to add weight based fee rules

For the business owners who use airway for product delivery, it becomes essential to deploy fee charges as per the cart’s weight. That’s why our plugin allows you to use this option and apply extra fee charges according to the cart’s weight.

Creating a Weight Based fee rules:
Lets set a requirement that we’d want to configure first. Let's say we want to have the following weight fees to be setup:
1. if the cart weight total is less than and equal to 5lbs the charge $6.39 as fee charges on the cart
2. if the cart total weight is greater than and equal to 5lbs then charge $2.88 as fee charges on the cart
3. if the order amount is between 5lbs to 10lbs then charge $2.88 as fee charges on the cart

This is a pretty simple and straight forward configuration. It can best be set up using the ‘Weight’ condition to create weight ranges.

Example 1: Here you can enter maximum cart/product weight for which the fee should be visible.

You can specify this like total cart weight is 5lbs. 

In this case, the fees will only be visible to the customer if the cart weight total is less than and equal to 5lbs.

For cart having greater than 5lbs weights, it will not be visible. 

Screenshot 1: (Admin: Weight based extra fee rule example 1)

How to add weight based fee rules

Example 2: Here you can enter Minimum Cart Weight after which the fee should be visible. 

You can specify this like total Cart weight is 5 lbs.

In this case, the fee will only be visible to the customer if the cart total weight is greater than and equal to 5lbs.

For cart having less than 5 lbs weight, it will not be visible. 

You can use this feature when you want to skip fee charge when the cart total weight is less than what you specified.

Screenshot 2: (Admin: Weight based extra fee rule example 2)

How to add weight based fee rules

Example 3: Here you can enter Minimum Cart Weight after which the fee should be visible. 

You can create a weight range wise fees. 

Like, 5kg to 10kg then charge $6.39 for this range.

In this case, the fee will only be visible to the customer if the order amount is between 5kg to 10kg then it will be a visible fee charge of $6.39 on the cart.

If the order amount is not between a particular range then it will not visible.

Screenshot 3: (Admin: Weight based extra fee rule example 3)

How to add weight based fee rules

Screenshot 4: (Extra Fees front side view)

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