How to manage or customize category content in the category slider
In the category slider, You will find a section called "Category Content Settings" in the Display Options tab to customize your category content.
With this section, You can hide or show the category names and descriptions, change colors, and more. There are several options which are explained below.
- Category Name – Hide or Show the category name in the slider. When you enable this, you will see a few more options related to this.
- Category Name Color – Change category name color.
- Category Name Margin – Set category name margin in px or em format.
- Product Count – You can use this option If you want to show the total number of products available in a particular category.
- Product Count Position – You can make the product count appear beside or under the Category name using this option.
- Product Count Before – Set the character or text that will appear before the product count number.
- Product Count After – Set the character or text that will appear after the product count number.
- Product Count Color – Set product count color.
- Description – Hide or Show the category name in the slider. When you enable this, you will see a few more options related to this.
- Description Color – Change category description color.
- Description Margin – Set category name margin in px or em format.
Screenshot - 1: (Category content customization settings)
Screenshot - 2: (Category slider with customized content)