How to set Category Type - Parent and Child

In the category slider, You will find a "GENERAL SETTINGS" tab through which you can manage or customize your categories.

In the General Settings tab, you will see options for filtering your category.

  • Category Type ( Parent and child ) - Enables the field to select the categories of parent and child list. Selected categories will be listed in the slider.

Screenshot -1 ( Category type patent and child )

The Display Type option will be enabled once the category type ( parent and child ) option is selected.

The display type option comes up with the following options and flexibility of the slider:

  • Individualize Each - This option will display the slider as individual items.
  • Child Under Parent - This setting will present the slider featuring child categories under the available parent category.

Screenshot -2 : ( Individualize Each )

Screenshot -3 : ( Child Under Parent )

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