How to add coupon based fee rules
If you’ve decided to add an extra fee based on a specific coupon applied then, this rule helps you.
Use the coupon option, fill the name of the coupon and decide the charge to be applied when the coupon is applied.
You may also add conditions related to location, category, product, etc. to make your restriction more specific.
In this article, I’ll teach you how to configure coupon-based fee rules.
Let’s say we want to configure such rules:
Example 1: Applying fee if specific coupon applied.
To apply a $3.69 fee charge on special coupon apply like " free50".
Screenshot 1: (Admin: Coupon based extra fee rule)
Screenshot 2: (Extra Fees front side view)
Example 2: Applying fee if specific coupon is not equal to applied coupon.
Apply a $3.69 fee charge when an applied coupon code is not equal to "free50".
Screenshot 3: (Admin: Coupon based extra fee rule)
Screenshot 4: (Front: Fee will be charged when not applied any coupon code)
Screenshot 5: (Front: Fee will be charged when applied coupon code is not "free50")
Screenshot 6: (Front: Fee will not be charged when applied coupon code is equal to "free50")