Advanced Shipping Price Rules - Shipping Cost on Category Weight
This rule is used to apply gradually increasing, decreasing or stable flat rate shipping rate to a particular range of category weight.
In this, you have to mention the category, minimum category weight, maximum category weight and the amount which will be added or subtracted per kg. To keep the flat rate shipping cost stable throughout the range you’ve created, keep the fee amount zero.
How it works:
Let’s say you have mentioned minimum weight as ‘x’ and maximum weight as ‘x+12’ where the weight is in kilograms .
So, it has created a range of 12kgs for one particular category. This category has to be added in the left-most field of advanced rule form.
Now, to increase the amount for shipping for this range per added kg, keep the weight amount positive. To decrease the amount with increasing weight, keep it negative.
The fee amount will be added to the base flat rate shipping fee amount, which you’ve filled in the Fee section of the main form (Shipping Fee configuration) of this method.
So, if you add $1, then the customers will be charged base fee + $1 for the x kgs while base fee + $5 for x+4kgs.
Charge the customer with $10+ if s/he buys 1-2 kgs of items from Hoodie with Zipper Category, increasing shipping fee by 3% per kg.
Screenshot - 1: (Admin: Cost on category weight based advanced rule)
Screenshot - 2: (Shipping method front view)