Advanced Shipping Price Rules - Shipping Cost on Category

How to Use the ‘Cost on Category’ Advanced Shipping Price Rule.

The ‘Cost on Category’ advanced shipping rule works with your flat rate shipping rules and settings. Using this, you can apply shipping costs for a minimum and maximum quantity of items belonging to a specific category. By setting a fixed amount or percentage, store owners can increase, decrease, or maintain the same rate of shipping as per the category's items in the cart. Let's take a closer look at how it works.

How it Works:

To use the 'Cost on Category' advanced shipping rules feature, you first need to set the minimum and maximum quantity of items for the category. For example, if you set the minimum quantity as 'x' and the maximum quantity as 'x+12', a range of 12 items of that category will be created.

To increase the shipping cost for this range per added item count, you should keep the shipping amount positive. Conversely, to decrease the shipping cost with increasing items, keep the shipping amount negative.

The shipping amount will be added to the base flat rate shipping amount, which you've filled in the configuration section of the main form (Shipping Method Configuration) of this method. For example, if you add $1, then the customers will be charged a base amount + $1 for the 'x' items, while the base amount + $5 for 'x+4' items.


Suppose you want to charge a shipping amount of $10 for 8 to 12 items$20 for 13 to 20 items, and $32 for 21 to 30 items in the Hoodies category. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Go to the configuration section of the main form (Shipping Method Configuration) and add a base shipping amount of $5.
  2. Go to the Advanced Shipping Price Rules section and select the ‘Cost on Category’ rule.
  3. In the rule configuration, select the 'Hoodies' category and set the following ranges:
    1. Minimum quantity as 8 and the maximum quantity as 12, with an amount of $5.
    2. Minimum quantity as 13 and the maximum quantity as 20, with an amount of $15.
    3. Minimum quantity as 21 and the maximum quantity as 30, with an amount of $27.
  4. Save the changes.

If the product category is 'Hoodies' and the quantity is between 8 to 12, the shipping amount will be $10 ($5 base charge + $5 additional charge). If the quantity is between 13 to 20, the shipping amount will be $20 ($5 base charge + $15 additional charge). And if the quantity is between 21 to 30, the shipping amount will be $32 ($5 base charge + $27 additional charge).

Screenshot - 1: (Admin: "Cost on Category" based advanced rule)

As shown on the Cart Page, here we have the 'Hoodies' category products in the cart, and the quantity is between 21 to 30, So the shipping amount will be $32 ($5 base charge + $27 additional charge).

Screenshot - 3: (Shipping method front side view)

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