Getting Started with Extra Fees Plugin


Welcome to the WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin, a powerful tool for adding additional fees to your WooCommerce cart and checkout pages.

This plugin simplifies the purchasing process, enhances flexibility in pricing, and allows you to set specific fee rules based on products, users, shipping methods, and more. With WooCommerce Extra Fees, you can effortlessly drive more sales and boost your revenue.

In this documentation, we’ll explain everything you need to know to set up and manage fees effectively using the plugin.

Step -1 Getting Started with Install & Activate the Plugin

To begin using the WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install the Plugin: Navigate to your WordPress dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New, Upload the "WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin," and install and activate it.
Admin Plugin Activation
  1. Accessing the Plugin Dashboard: Once the plugin is activated, you will see a new menu item titled WooCommerce Extra Fees in your WordPress dashboard. Click on it to be directed to the plugin's dashboard.
  2. Manage Fees: From the plugin dashboard, click on Manage Fees to start configuring your fees. Here, you can add as many fee configurations as needed for your WooCommerce store.
Extra Fees Manage Fees options

Step - 2 Adding Extra Fees

Creating a New Fee

To add a new fee:

  1. Click on “Add New.” You’ll be prompted to fill out the necessary details for the fee.

    Fee Title and Type:

    • Could you provide a Title for the fee, which will be displayed on the cart and checkout pages?
    • Choose the Type of fee: either Fixed Amount, Percentage, or Percentage + Fixed.
  2. Fee Amount: Enter the fee amount based on the type selected. For percentage-based fees, the amount will be calculated as a percentage of the product subtotal.
  3. Additional Quantity-Based Fees: You can configure the fee based on the quantity of products in the cart by selecting the checkbox labeled Apply Fee Based on Quantity.
Fee Configuration settings

Dynamic Charge Options

The WooCommerce Extra Fees plugin allows you to add dynamic charges based on the following options:

  1. Fixed Fees: Apply a static fee amount.
  2. Dynamic Fees: You can make the fee dynamic using shortcode parameters within the plugin’s configuration settings.
Dynamic Fees options

Step - 3 Optional Fees, Taxable Fees, and Price Messages

Optional Fees

The plugin allows you to display optional fees that users can choose from:

  • Dropdown, Checkbox, or Radio Button: Optional fees can be presented in the cart and checkout pages in these selectable formats, allowing customers to decide whether they want to add the fee.

Taxable Fees

If the fee is taxable, you can configure tax settings:

  1. Enable the Is Amount Taxable option.
  2. Select a Tax Class from the dropdown (configured in the WooCommerce tax settings). The percentage associated with the selected tax class will be applied to the fee amount.

Displaying Price Messages

You can add custom price messages for the fees on the cart page:

  1. Navigate to the Fee Configuration > Price Message on Cart and add your desired message in the text area provided.
  2. Based on the rules you set, this message will appear on the front end when the corresponding fee is applied.
Price Message and Optional Fees options

Step - 4 Displaying Fees in Product Pages

You can also choose to display fees directly on the product details page:

  1. Product-Specific and User-Specific Rules: For certain conditions, like product-specific or user-specific rules (excluding cart-based rules such as "Cart Contain Product's Quantity"), fees will be displayed in a table format on the product page.
  2. Advanced Fees Display in Product Page: For advanced fee price rules, you can enable options such as Display Product AP Rule in Product Page or Display Category AP Rule in Product Page. If the rule matches, the fee will be displayed accordingly in a separate table.
Cost on Category option in Advanced Pricing
Cost on Product option in Advanced Pricing
Product page fees display

Step - 5 Conditional Fee Rules

One of the most powerful features of the WooCommerce Extra Fees plugin is its conditional fee rules. You can configure fees to apply only when certain conditions are met.

Fee Conditions Based on Location

Country, State, City, and Post Code: Set fees to be applied based on the customer’s location.

Shipping Zone: You can define different fees for different shipping zones.

Product-Based Fee Conditions

Cart Contains Specific Products: Fees can be applied based on the presence of specific products in the cart.

Product Quantities: You can configure the fee to apply only when a certain quantity of products is reached. This is particularly useful for bulk or wholesale pricing.

User-Based Fee Conditions

You can apply fees based on user-specific conditions:

User Role: For example, offer special fees for members, wholesale customers, or VIP clients.

Purchase History: Apply fees based on the customer’s previous purchase history, including total orders, number of orders, or last order date.

Conditional Fee Rule options
Total Order Spent rule option
Fees Applied on Frontend

Step - 6 Advanced Fee Price Rules

The WooCommerce Extra Fees plugin also includes Advanced Fee Price Rules that allow for even more granular control over when and how fees are applied.

Advanced Fee Rule Tabs

Here’s a breakdown of the available rule tabs and their functionality:

  • Cost on Product: Add fees based on the product’s cost or quantity in the cart. You can set minimum and maximum quantities for the products selected via a multiselect option.
  • Cost on Category: Similar to the Cost on Product rule but applies to product categories. Fees can be added based on the number of products from certain categories in the cart.
  • Cost on Product Subtotal: Set fees based on the subtotal of the products in the cart.
  • Cost on Product Weight: Charge fees based on the total weight of the products in the cart.
  • Cost on Category Subtotal and Weight: Similar to the above, but based on categories rather than individual products.
  • Cost on Total Cart Quantity, Weight, and Subtotal: Apply fees based on the total quantity, weight, or subtotal of the entire cart.
  • Shipping Class Subtotal: Fees can be applied to products based on their shipping class and its subtotal.
Advanced Pricing Rule options

Step - 7 Conclusion

The WooCommerce Extra Fees plugin provides extensive flexibility for adding custom fees to your WooCommerce store. Whether you're looking to charge fixed amounts, percentages, or dynamically calculated fees, this plugin offers a variety of options and conditional rules to ensure that fees are applied exactly as needed.

By leveraging these features, you can ensure your store operates efficiently, enhancing both customer experience and revenue generation.

Feel free to refer to this documentation as you explore all the possibilities this plugin offers. Be sure to customize your configurations to meet your specific business needs!

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