Creating Extra fees in WooCommerce

Adding extra fees in WooCommerce helps enhance your pricing strategy by charging additional costs based on various conditions. To create extra fees in WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Extra Fees Plugin, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Access Extra Fees Settings

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Dotstore > WooCommerce Extra Fees.
  3. Click on the Manage Fees tab.

    Access Extra Fees Plugin

Step 2: Create Extra Fees

In the Manage Fees section click the Add New button to create a new fee.

Configure the settings mentioned in step 3 and click the Save Fee button to activate the extra fees functionality.

Step 3: Add an Extra Fee Rule

  1. After clicking on the Add New button, it will open the Fee Configuration, Conditional Fee Rule, and Advanced Fees Price Rules section.
  2. Configure each section's settings based on your requirements.
  3. Once all the section's settings are configured, click on the Add Fee button to save the settings.

Step 4: Fee Configuration

  1. Status: Please make sure to enable this option to display the fee to the customers
  2. Fee Title: Add the fee title like custom fee, service fee, insurance fee, etc.
  3. Fee Type: Select the fee type like Fixed, Percentage, or Percentage + Fee.
  4. Fee Amount: Set the fee amount for the extra fee.
  5. Each Eeight Rule: Add the weight-based rules based on your cart products.
  6. Tooltip Description: Add the tooltip description that helps users to understand details about the applied fees.
  7. Price Message on Cart: Add the message to show on the cart page regarding the extra fees added.
  8. Amount Type: Select the radio option to Yes if you want to apply the tax on the applied fees.
  9. Fee Optional: Select the radio button to Yes if you want the fee as an option for the customer they will select based on the service you provide as optional.

Step 5: Conditional Fee Rule

The Conditional Fee Rules section allows you to apply extra fees based on specific conditions, such as location, cart details, or payment methods. This allows you to charge relevant fees dynamically, ensuring better pricing control.

In the premium version, you have options to add the conditions based on the:

  • Location Specific

  • Product Specific

  • Attribute Specific

  • User Specific

  • Purchased History

  • Cart Specific

  • Payment Specific
  • Shipping Specific

Below are the few available important condition options and their functions:

  1. Country-Based Fees – Apply fees based on the customer’s billing or shipping country (e.g., additional charges for international orders).
  2. State-Based Fees – Charge extra fees for specific states or regions (e.g., regional tax or service charges).
  3. Coupon-Based Fees – Add or remove fees when customers apply a coupon code (e.g., waive fees for discount code users).
  4. Cart Quantity-Based Fees – Set fees based on the number of items in the cart (e.g., bulk order handling fees).
  5. Product Weight-Based Fees – Apply fees based on the total weight of items (e.g., heavy package surcharge).
  6. Payment Method-Based Fees – Charge additional fees for specific payment methods (e.g., transaction fees for PayPal or credit cards).
  7. Shipping Method-Based Fees – Add extra costs for certain shipping methods (e.g., expedited or same-day delivery fees).
  8. User Role-Based Fees – Set fees differently for different user roles (e.g., special handling fees for guest users).
  9. Cart Total-Based Fees – Apply fees when the cart total reaches a certain value (e.g., small order fees for orders below $50).
  10. Specific Product Fees – Charge extra for selected products (e.g., fragile item handling fees).

By using these conditional rules, you can customize extra fees based on your business needs and provide a transparent checkout experience for customers.

Step 6: Advanced Fees Price Rules

The Advanced Fees Price Rules section allows you to set up complex pricing structures for extra fees based on specific conditions. With these rules, you can create dynamic fee structures that adjust automatically depending on cart details, product attributes, user roles, and more.

This feature ensures accurate fee calculations, providing flexibility to charge customers fairly while optimizing revenue.

Your extra fees are now successfully configured in WooCommerce! Congratulations!!! 🎉

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