How to generate a quote as a PDF?

Empower your customers with the ability to download quotes in PDF format, allowing them to conveniently save and reference quotes for future use or offline review.

To generate a quote as a PDF, simply follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Quote PDF" page located within the "Global Settings" menu.
  2. Enable the "Quote as PDF" option to generate quotes as PDF files.
  3. Save your changes.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin - Set quote PDF settings)

Additionally, you have the option to enhance the PDF by uploading your site logo, ensuring brand presence in every quote.

Customers can easily access the PDF file from their My Account page under quote details. Furthermore, by enabling the "Attach PDF to Email" option, you can automatically include the PDF file as an attachment in the quote send email.

Screenshot - 2: (Front - My Account page with PDF file access button)

Screenshot - 3: (Front - Quote PDF file layout)

Providing quotes in PDF format adds professionalism and convenience, enhancing the overall customer experience.

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