How to enable customers to accept or reject a quote?

Enabling customers to accept or reject quotes sent by admins is a crucial feature for efficient quote management. With our plugin, enabling this option for your customers is straightforward.

To activate this feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Quote Settings" page within the "Global Settings" menu.
  2. Enable the "Accept Quote Button" and "Reject Quote Button" options to display the accept and reject buttons.
  3. Once enabled, a new field will appear to set the button labels.
  4. Save your changes.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin - Accept or Reject quote button settings)

When these options are enabled, customers will see the "Accept" and "Reject" quote buttons in both the quote email and their My Account page.

Screenshot - 2: (Front - My account page with Accept and Reject button)

When a customer is satisfied with the quotation, they can click the "Accept" button to proceed with the order. This action will automatically add the quoted items to their cart and redirect them to the checkout page to complete the order.

Screenshot - 3: (Front - Accepted quote order with same quote items and discounted price)

If a customer is not satisfied with the quotation, they can click the "Reject" button. In this case, no further action will be taken for the rejected quote. Admins may choose to directly contact the customer to discuss alternatives.

Upon the customer's action, the quote status will be updated, and admins will receive notification via email.

Additionally, to prevent customers who have accepted a quote from modifying their carts, there's an option called "Block Cart Content". Enabling this option restricts customers from adding new products or modifying quantities in the cart after accepting a quote.

Screenshot - 4: (Admin - Block cart content setting)

Screenshot - 5: (Front - Error notice when a customer tries to add new items to the cart for accepted quote)

Screenshot - 6: (Front - Error notice on the cart page when a customer tries to update the quantity for accepted quote)

Empower your customers with the ability to accept or reject quotes effortlessly using our plugin!

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