How to view the customer's quote requests and send quotes to them?

Managing and responding to customer quote requests is crucial for your store's success, and our plugin simplifies this process.

Within the plugin, we provide a dedicated "Quote Requests" page where you can efficiently manage all quote requests, view important data such as customer email, total, and current status, and send quotes to customers seamlessly.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin - View all the quote requests)

To view and respond to new quote requests, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the "Quote Requests" page.
  2. Identify and edit the request with a "New Quote Request" status.
  3. Review the request details and send quotes to the customer with just one click.

When you click on the request "Edit" button, you'll find essential actions and details organized into sections:

Customer's Details:

View the customer's details provided during the quote request submission process. You can even modify these details by clicking on the right-top side pencil icon if needed.

Screenshot - 2: (Admin - Customer's details section)

Quote Actions and Details:

Manage the quote status and view submission date and time details.

Screenshot - 3: (Admin - Quote actions and submission details)

Quote Items:

Review all product items requested for quotes. You can edit quantities, and prices, and even remove items. If any items are out of stock, a notice will alert you to ensure availability before sending quotes.

Screenshot - 3: (Admin - Quote items details)

You can also offer some discounts to your customers by lowering product prices.

Screenshot - 4: (Admin - Add discounts in quote)

Send Quote:

This section is crucial for sending quotes to customers. After reviewing and modifying all quote details, simply click the "Send Quote" button. Customers will receive an email with the quote details, and they can also review it from their My Account page.

Before sending quotes, you can test the email using our test email module by entering an email and clicking "Send Email".

Screenshot - 4: (Admin - Send quote to customer)

Screenshot - 5: (Front - Email example sent to customers for quotes)

Screenshot - 5: (Front - Quote details on Customer's My Account page)

Once quotes are sent, the status will change to "Pending Quote," and further actions, such as accepting or rejecting the quote and placing orders, will be initiated by the customer.

Streamline your quote management process and enhance customer engagement with our plugin.

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