How to set up the request quote page?
The request quote page is where your customers can review all items in their quote list and submit their quote requests conveniently. Follow these steps to set it up:
- Go to the "Quote Page" menu under "Global Settings".
Screenshot - 1: (Admin - Quote page settings)
- Configure the settings according to your needs and save them.
Here, you can select a custom request quote page or use the default one. There are also two page layout options available to select.
Screenshot - 2: (Front - Quote page layout — Product list table above, the form below)
Screenshot - 3: (Front - Quote page layout — Product list table on left side, form on right side)
Additionally, there are advanced settings available such as table field selection, update list button, return shop button, etc.
Screenshot - 4: (Admin - Quote page other advance settings)
For example, in Table Fields, you can choose which columns to display in the quote items list table. You can also enable the Return Shop Button, which displays when there are no products added to the quote list, and allow customers to update quote items' quantity from the quote page by enabling the "Allow Update Quote" option.
Screenshot - 5: (Front - Quote page layout with selected table fields and update list button)
Furthermore, you can set the after quote submission action, whether to display a simple text message, automatically redirect to the details page of the quote request, or select a specific thank you page to display.
Screenshot - 6: (Admin - After request sent show settings)
Screenshot - 7: (Front - Simple text message on quote submission)
Configure these settings to create a seamless experience for your customers on the request quote page.