How to add free shipping on minimum order amount
This feature is used to add free shipping once the user's minimum order amount reaches.
For example, if a user purchases an order amount of 100 or more then free shipping allows displaying for the user.
If default shipping charges are flat $15 on each order but if a user purchases more than $100 then if you want to allow free shipping with a custom label then you can do it using this feature.
Free Shipping based on In this option you can select Minimum Order Amount or Free Shipping on Coupon Amount.
Free Shipping - Label: In this text box you can add the custom label which will be visible to the customer at the time of checkout when free shipping is available. For example "Free Shipping", "Free Rate" etc.
Free Shipping Order - Amount: In this textbox, we can add the Maximum free shipping order amount.
Apply Free shipping rule before coupon discount: We can check this option if we want to apply a free shipping amount before the coupon code. Default applies after discount amount.
Let's see this with an example so we can get more ideas about it.
Screenshot - 1: Admin all settings screenshot.
Screenshot - 2: Cart page with free shipping on over 100.
Screenshot - 3: Admin side settings for the message.
Screenshot - 4: Cart page layout for how it will look like.
Free Shipping Coupon - Amount: In this textbox, we can add the Maximum free shipping on the coupon amount.
Screenshot - 5: Free shipping on discount admin settings.
Screenshot - 6: Cart page screenshot for free shipping on the discount coupon.