1. How to add category wise banner (single/ multiple) in woocommerce website?
Yes, You have to add a banner for category page then you have got to product categories and edit category. Enable category banner (e.g enable shoe category banner). Select banner type -single / Multiple banners, you can define the start date and end date for the banner. After that, you can upload a banner and custom URL/ link.
2. How to set up a random / slider banner for a specific page in woocommerce?
Yes, you can set it easily with this plugin. You have to select a specific page and select banner – “Multiple banners” after selecting a random banner option. You have to upload multiple banners. It will show a random banner as per the list of the banner.
3. How to add shop/ cart/ checkout/ thank you page banner(single/ multiple) in WooCommerce website?
Yes, You can. You want to add a banner for shop/cart/checkout / thank you page then you have a select particular option in admin side and enable banner (e.g enable shop page banner) After that select banner “single / Multiple banners”, you can define the start date and end date for the banner. After that, you can upload a banner and custom URL/ link.
3. Is your plugin compatible with Astra theme?
Yes, our plugin is compatible with Astra theme and you can add below CSS code which is provided by the Astra support team to show the banner in mobile at top place.
Add this css on your themes style or any css: .wbm_banner_image { order: 1;}