How to Manage Samples at Variation Level?

With the  Product Sample for WooCommerce plugin, You can manage variation based samples in the variable products.

Use the following instructions to manage samples at the variation level :-

  • Edit variable sample product.
  • Click on the "Variations" tab in the "Product data" field.
  • Click on the variation from the variation list & check the "Manage sample?" option.

After clicking on the " Manage sample?" checkbox, it will redirect to a section called "Sample Product Settings". Here you can manage the variation based sample settings.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin: Manage samples at variation level)

In the same way, you can set different sample settings for each variation.

Note :- In the Sample Product Settings section, the "Stock quantity" field will only enable when you enable the "Manage stock?" option as shown in the above screenshot.

Example :- Set variation based sample settings for "XS & Red" variation.

Screenshot - 2: (Admin: Variation sample settings)

Screenshot - 3: (Sample product front side view)

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