How to Add Actions to a Conditional Payments Rule?

Just as conditions, you can add one or more (unlimited) Actions to each of your Conditional Payments Rules. There are 3 types of actions, allowed to be used with this plugin:

  1. Enable Payment Methods: Select the options that’ll be shown with the conditions mentioned in this rule. If no condition is mentioned, it will be considered a global action - applicable storewide.
  2. Disable Payment Methods: Select the payment methods to hide, when the conditions mentioned in the current rule are met. If no condition is specified, all selected payment gateways will be hidden throughout the store.
  3. Add Payment Method Fee: You can select the payment gateway(s) and apply additional fees to the customer’s cart when those methods are selected. Specify the tax class alongside, or make the fee non-taxable.

Example Actions

Example #1

Let’s say, you want to enable the Cash on Delivery Payment Gateway when a user’s cart has 5 Frankie sweatshirts, your plugin settings will look like the following:

Example #2

To let your Shop Managers use payment methods Direct Bank Transfer and Cash on Delivery, the settings required are:

Example #3

Here is how you can disable the Check Payments Payment method when the buyer’s country is Australia.

Example #4

To apply different or similar Payment Method Fees for different payment gateways, you must create one or more Actions of the type ‘Add Payment Method Fee.’

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