How to Enable Auto-fraud Score Calculation in your WooCommerce Store?

The WooCommerce Fraud Prevention Plugin lets store owners set weightage for multiple components for the “Fraud” metrics. 

To set your own fraud rules and score weight, you must:

  • Enable the Fraud Score Check toggle from the General Settings.
  • Go to the Rules tab in plugin settings and configure all related details in determining the auto-fraud score. You must enable all or a few fields and assign the weightage to them for the score calculation:
    • If it is the first order of the customer
    • If other ‘first orders’ are still in processing
    • If billing and shipping addresses are the same
    • If the phone number and billing country details are provided
    • If the customer is using a proxy or VPN for shopping
    • If you receive orders for different delivery addresses but the IP address is the same
    • If it is an international order
    • If the customer is using an email ID with a suspicious domain (you can add all suspicious domains below this field)
    • If the customer is from a high-risk country (you can add all high-risk countries below this field)
    • If the order amount is above the set threshold (you can set an average threshold here itself)
    • If the order exceeds the maximum amount limit (you can set the maximum limit here itself)
    • If the order exceeds the maximum attempts of ordering (you can set the maximum limit and the time span for the same here itself)
    • After assigning weight to all components that contribute to auto-fraud score calculation, click on the Save Changes button.
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