Video Attachments Settings

This video attachments setting are used to showcase all the youtube videos external links to the new tab in video format.

Screenshot - 1:(Settings)

If you have selected the "Showcase Youtube Link in new tab" to true then it will display the product detail page like:

Screenshot - 2:(Product page video layout)

In the below screenshot 3 we can see that how to add the youtube link format.

Screenshot - 3:(Youtube URL with full format)

Common filters to change the default video tab tile and size settings based on requirements.

Below filters, you need to copy and paste in your theme's functions.php file

1. Change the video tab title

add_filter('video_tab_title_custom', 'video_tab_title_custom_fun');

function video_tab_title_custom_fun($default_video_tab_title){
  $default_video_tab_title = "Video Attachments"; //You can add your own title here
  return $default_video_tab_title;

2. Resize the video from default to custom size


function iframe_custom_width_fun($default_size){
  $default_size = "200";//We can add custom size here
  return $default_size;
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