How to hide free shipping when a specific shipping method is available on the cart page

If you want to hide free shipping when a specific shipping method is available on the cart page, you can easily do so using our Hide Shipping plugin.

Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Hide Shipping in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Go to the General Settings page.
  3. Find the option "Hide free shipping on specific shipping" and enable it.
  4. Once enabled, a new field will appear where you can select the shipping methods for which free shipping should be hidden.
Admin: Settings to free shipping when specific shipping available in cart

Before enabling this option: Free Shipping and other shipping methods are displayed together.

Front: Cart page with available shipping options

After enabling this option: Free Shipping is hidden when the selected shipping method (e.g., Quick Delivery) is available.

Front: Cart page with available shipping options

Imagine you offer "Quick Delivery" as a premium shipping method that guarantees same-day delivery. To encourage customers to choose this paid option, you may want to hide free shipping whenever Quick Delivery is available, ensuring customers see only the express shipping method and avoid opting for the free alternative.

This feature helps businesses optimize their shipping strategy by promoting high-priority delivery options while maintaining a smooth customer experience.

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