Location specific Shipping Rule
About the Rule:
Shop owners can create location-based rules, such as the ones based on country, state, postcode, or custom zone, using this feature.
It is especially useful when you want to set up flat rate shipping rates for specific locations.
Stores generally do it, in order to balance the shipping fees as per the distance of the buyer’s place from the place of shipping.
Shipping Rules
- Setup WooCommerce Country Based Shipping method
- Setup WooCommerce City Based Shipping method
- Setup WooCommerce State Based Shipping method
- Setup WooCommerce Postcode Based Shipping method
- Setup WooCommerce Zone Based Shipping method
How do I set up a WooCommerce shipping method for a specific country, state, and postcode in the Flat rate plugin?
Example 2: Shipping Charges Based On Country, State, and Zipcode
Using this feature you can apply shipping rules for a country, state(s), or Zipcode(s). With this option, you can create an International flat-rate shipping method for your WooCommerce store.
For example, if your store in the USA and you want to create a shipping method for Alabama and Alaska state with specific postcodes.
Screenshot - 2: (Country, State, and Zipcode based rule)
Screenshot - 3: (Front: Country, State, and Zipcode based shipping method)
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