How to Block Multiple Credit Card Attempts on the Checkout Page

Blocking multiple credit card attempts during the checkout process can help prevent fraudulent transactions and secure your WooCommerce store. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up a system that blocks users after several failed credit card attempts in a single order session.

Under the rules tab find the rule settings - Multiple Failed order attempts?

The "Rule Weight" is the value assigned to the rule. When the rule is applied, its weight is added to the fraud score, which includes the weights of other rules as well as the weight from multiple failed order attempts.

The "Allowed Number of Attempts" is the maximum number of times a user can enter different credit card details. Once this number is exceeded, the rule is triggered, and the rule weight is applied to the order.

The "Failed Attempt Message" is a text area where you can specify the message string that needs to match the order notes. For example, if a user tries multiple credit cards and each failed attempt adds a new order note such as 'invalid credit card', you can use this message as the failed attempt indicator and block the user after a certain number of failed attempts.

Example screenshot of order notes:

In this case, you can use "Error processing payment." as the failed attempt message and set the allowed number of attempts to 3 (as needed). Once the user tries 3 different credit card details and receives the error message "Error processing payment." more than 3 times, they will be blocked from making further attempts.

Checkout page:

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