How can we set up a day-wise time for pickup of our goods?

In this example, a business sets its pickup parcel hours to accommodate customer needs throughout the week. From Monday to Thursday, parcels are available for pickup between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, allowing customers ample time during standard business hours. On Fridays, pickup hours are shorter, running from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This arrangement balances convenience with operational efficiency, ensuring customers can collect their parcels during designated times while effectively managing pickup operations.

Day-wise time range selection

First of all, create new pickup locations with address field details. Then follow the below steps to configure as needed.

Set Pickup Days and Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: Choose these days for pickup parcels.

    Time Range: Set from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

  • Friday: Designate Friday as a pickup day as well.

    Time Range: Specify from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Save Changes: Once you've configured the pickup days and hours for each day of the week, save the changes.

Om frontside view where we can day-specific time range available

By following these steps, you ensure that pickup parcels are accessible throughout the week, with extended hours on weekdays and shorter hours on Fridays. This setup provides flexibility for customers while efficiently managing pickup operations.

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