Local Pickup Plugin Overview

Local Pickup Plus is a versatile plugin designed for businesses with multiple locations or pickup sites. Imagine you run a chain of coffee shops across the city. With this plugin, you can offer customers the option to pick up their orders from any of your locations, whether it's the one nearest to their home or workplace.

A customer orders a bag of freshly roasted coffee beans online. During checkout, they can select their preferred pickup location from a list provided by the plugin. This flexibility enhances the customer experience by offering convenience and streamlines your operations by efficiently managing order pickups at different locations.

Additionally, you can tailor the plugin to restrict certain items to specific locations, ensuring each pickup spot has the necessary inventory. Overall, Local Pickup Plus simplifies the pickup process, benefiting both businesses and customers alike.

Now, open up the Global Setting page of the plugin which contains 4 sections.

  1. Local Pickup Settings
  2. Cart & Checkout Settings
  3. Pickup Appointments Settings
  4. Fee Adjustment Settings

Local Pickup Settings Section

This section within Local Pickup Settings allows users to toggle the pickup method on or off and modify its displayed name. Enabling/disabling provides flexibility in offering pickup options, while title customization ensures clarity and branding consistency for customers during checkout.

Local Pickup Setting Section

Enable/Disable Shipping Method: Allows users to turn the shipping method on or off based on their preferences or operational needs.

Shipping Method Name: Provides the option to customize the name of the shipping method displayed to customers during checkout.

Cart & Checkout Settings Section

This section allows users to specify where and how pickup locations are displayed during checkout. Users can decide whether to show the dropdown menu on a product or cart basis and customize the order in which pickup locations appear for selection, ensuring flexibility and clarity for customers.

Cart & Checkout Setting Section

Pickup Location Dropdown Display: Specifies whether the pickup location selection dropdown appears on a product basis or cart basis.

Location Sort Order: Determines the order in which pickup locations are listed in the dropdown menu for selection.

Pickup Appointments Settings Section

This section offers versatile scheduling options. Users can define appointment modes, set time range intervals, specify availability for each day with time ranges, designate holiday dates, and establish lead times and deadlines. This comprehensive feature enhances organization and efficiency in managing pickup appointments.

Pickup Appointment Setting Section

Mode of Appointment: Sets the appointment mode, ranging from no appointment required to mandatory appointment for pickup.

Time Range Interval: Defines the intervals available for scheduling appointments, such as no interval, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.

Days Selection with Time Range: Allows users to specify the availability and time ranges for each day of the week, from Sunday to Saturday.

Holiday Date Selection: Enables users to designate specific dates as holidays, during which pickups may not be available.

Lead Time: Sets the amount of preparation time needed for a pickup order before it is ready for collection.

Deadline: Defines the maximum number of days allowed for scheduling a pickup order in advance.

Fee Adjustment Settings

The "Fee Adjustment Settings" section empowers users to customize shipping fees and tax calculations for pickup orders. Options include adjusting shipping method fees based on fixed amounts or percentages and enabling tax calculations based on the pickup location selected by customers, ensuring accurate and transparent pricing.

Fee Adjustment Setting Section

Shipping Method Fee Adjustment: Adjusts shipping method fees, with options for fixed amounts or percentage-based adjustments.

Tax Checkbox: Enables tax calculations based on the pickup location selected by the customer, rather than their billing address.

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