Block Fraud Customer By Phone Number

With this plugin, store owners can add multiple blacklisted phone numbers. Consequently, blacklisted customers cannot place an order using these restricted phone numbers in your shop.

Add the blocked phone numbers to the phone field, and these numbers will not be allowed to place an order.

Block users by phone number using a wildcard

Certainly, blocking users by phone number using a wildcard range, such as '88*', means that any phone number beginning with '88' will be blocked. This is particularly useful when you want to prevent a specific set of phone numbers from accessing your services.

For example, if you block '88*', it means that any phone number that starts with '88', like '880123456' or '881234567', will be prevented from using your platform or making orders. This wildcard approach allows you to effectively block a range of phone numbers with similar prefixes without specifying each one individually.

Custom error messages for a blacklisted  Phone Number

With this setting, you can add a custom blacklist phone number error message, which you want to show the user when a blacklist billing Phone is found.

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