How to hide specific shipping method when Free Shipping is available on the cart page

How to hide specific shipping method when Free Shipping available on the cart page

When you don’t want to hide all, but just one or a few of the specific shipping methods when free shipping is available, you can use this option. Once selected, it will pop up an extra field on your screen, called ‘Select Shipping Method’. In this field, you can add as many pre-set shipping methods you need using the dropdown menu.


Ann online clothing store delivers products within 2 to 5 days of order placement. It offers an option for urgent delivery with which, you can get your product delivered within 24 hours. However, there is an extra charge for this service.

Now, the store wants to let its customers utilize this service, even if the customer is eligible for a free delivery or local pickup.

This is where this option comes in handy.

Using ‘hide specific shipping method when free shipping available on the cart page’ option, one can easily hide specific shipping methods, keeping the options of ‘urgent delivery’, ‘free shipping’ and other preferred methods active on the cart page.

Once enabled, your check-out page will showcase only these chosen shipping methods, excluding the ones that are hidden.

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