1. How do I block fraud customers on the checkout page?
Yes, you have to activate woocommerce blocker plugin and enable checkout page condition in the plugin and you can block a specific user by email, IP address, state, and zipcode
2. How do I block fraud customers on registration pages?
Yes, you have to activate woocommerce blocker plugin and enable registration page condition in the plugin and you can block a specific user by email, IP address, state, and zipcode
3. Can I block fraud customers by IP address?
Yes, you have to activate the woocommerce blocker plugin and enable the registration page/ checkout page condition in the plugin and you can block IP address. You can add multiple IP addresses in the plugin.
4. Can I block fraud customers by state, zip code, domain, IP address, and email address?
Yes, you have to activate the woocommerce blocker plugin and enable the registration page/ checkout page condition in the plugin and you can block IP address. You can add multiple IP addresses in the plugin.
5. Can I set a custom error message for the blocked listed users?
Yes, you have to activate the woocommerce blocker plugin and enable the registration page/ checkout page condition in the plugin and you can block IP address. You can add multiple IP addresses in the plugin. The plugin will give the option to add a custom message as per your condition like block by email, IP address, state, and zip code.
6. Can I block an external blacklist of GitHub with woocommerce blocker plugin?
Yes, you have to activate the woocommerce blocker plugin and enable the external blacklist of GitHub. There is a list of disposable/temporary email domains in Github. You can use this list too along with your own blacklist.
7. Can I see a list of blocked users/ top blocked users and how many times he has attempted for placing an order on the website.

Yes, you have to activate the woocommerce blocker plugin. The plugin provides a list of blocked users' email addresses and how many attempts by specific users.

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