Shipping Fee Configuration Form
When you will click on the ‘Add New Shipping Method’, you will be redirected to a dedicated method creation page. This page will have two sections; the Shipping Fee Configuration Form is the first of these and looks as under.
Screenshot 1: (Admin: Shipping method configuration settings)
- Status: You can set the shipping method status to enabled or disabled. You can set this toggle button to ‘enabled’ if you want your method to work and ‘disabled’ if you don’t want it to affect your WooCommerce shop.
- Unique Shipping Title: You can add your own shipping title that we can manage for admin purposes.
- Shipping method name, which should be an understandable phrase as it’ll be later used for re-accessing the method. This name will also be visible to your buyers on the cart page.
- Shipping charge
- Apply per quantity
- If you want to increase this flat rate charge by a particular amount of additional items purchased, check ‘Apply per quantity’ and insert the amount to be added per item.
- For example – If you add a $3 shipping rate for a Cake and mention the additional charge as $0.5, then 4 cakes will be charged $4.5 ($3 + $0.5 + $0.5 + $0.5) as the shipping fee.
- Apply per quantity
- Allow Free Shipping, allow free shipping once the user reaches out a specific order amount or specific coupon applied or once a special product is added to the cart.
- Each Weight Rule, an advanced weight-based shipping rule we can use if based on the weight range based extra shipping charges want to add.
- Each Quantity Rule, Advanced Quantity-based Shipping Rules are used to add the per product quantity based on extra shipping charges.
- Tooltip Description is a short description of your method. It will be visible to your customers if they’ll hover over the method name in their cart.
- Show only for logged-in users option is for creating some special shipping methods which are only available for logged-in users.
- Default selected shipping, with this option you can set any shipping method as default selected on the cart/checkout page.
- ‘Is the Amount Taxable?’ dropdown facilitates you to specify whether or not you want to apply taxes for the shipping amount.
- Estimated Delivery Time field is for specifying the estimated duration or day for shipping so that buyers could know about it.
- Start Date field is for adding a date, from which your method will be applicable. Because of this option, you can create your shipping methods in advance and schedule their start date. It is an optional field and can be left blank.
- End date field is for adding an end date or expiry date to your method. It saves you from the troubles which may occur if you forget to disable your shipping method even after the actual sale/offer is over. This field is optional too. You may add an end date or leave this field blank, as per your eCommerce store’s needs.
- Days of the Week with this field, You can show a few or all shipping methods from your site for some particular days of the week.
- Time, you can also choose the Time duration (start time and end time), for which the plugin settings should work. Every day, your configured rules will be applicable to the shop for that specified duration.
Dynamic Shipping Cost
When the customer selects this shipping method the amount will be added to the cart subtotal. You can enter a fixed amount or make it dynamic using the below parameters:
- [qty] -> total number of,
- [cost] -> cost of items,
- [fee percent=10 min_fee=20] -> Percentage based fee.
- 10.00 -> To add a flat 10.00 shipping charge
- 10 * [qty] -> To charge 10.00 per quantity in the cart. It will be 50.00 if the cart has 5 quantities.
- [fee percent=10 min_fee=20] -> This means charge 10 percent of the cart subtotal, a minimum of 20 charges will be applicable.
1. Per Quantity based Shipping charge
Screenshot 2: (Admin: Quantity-based dynamic shipping charge)
Screenshot 3: (Front: Below Cart QTY = 1 so that shipping charge = 10 * [1] = $10)
Screenshot 4: (Front: Below Cart QTY = 4 so that shipping charge = 10 * [4] = $40)
2. Percentage & Apply Minimum Shipping charge
Screenshot 5: (Admin: Cart subtotal-based dynamic shipping charge)
10% shipping charge of cart subtotal and minimum charge should be 20.
Screenshot 6: (Front: Shipping charge based on cart subtotal = 16.80 ( 10% of cart subtotal ) and it's less than 20. So, the shipping charge will be 20.)
Screenshot 7: (Front: Shipping charge is greater than 20)