How to apply per additional quantity based fee?

About the Rule:

This rule is designed for sellers offering various product types who wish to apply fees based on the quantity of specific products purchased. It enables you to set fees for specific products or categories and apply them using quantity-based rules.

How It Works:

There are two types of rules you can apply:

1. Cart Based:

    • Use this option to add a fee based on the total quantity available in the cart.
    • For example, if the cart contains two products with quantities of 2 and 2, totaling 4 quantities, and you set a fee of $10 per quantity, a $40 fee will be added to the cart page.

Screenshot - 1: (Admin - Cart quantity-based rule)

Screenshot - 2: (Extra Fees front side view)

2. Product Based:

    • Use this option when you want to apply fees only on specific products or categories based on their quantity in the cart.
    • When selecting this option, you must choose a product-specific condition to apply the rule to specific products.
    • For example, if there are 5 Caps and 2 Hoodies with Logo in the cart, and you have set a $10 fee per Cap, the calculation will be 5 * $10 = $50.

Screenshot - 3: (Admin - Product quantity-based rule)

Screenshot - 4: (Admin - Select product for product qty-based rule)

Screenshot - 5: (Extra Fees front side view)

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